Theory of Computation Homework 1


  • Submission Guideline: Upload your homework file (hw1_[your student id].doc or hw1_[your student id].hwp) to online Uclass classroom. You are allowed to write down your answers either in Korean or English at your convenience.
  • Deadline: 23:59 PM, Tuesday, April 23


Please feel free to leave your questions about homework problems in the online Uclass classroom.


  1. Show that for all sets $S$ and $T, S-T = S \cap \overline{T}$.


  1. Show that $S_1 = S_2$ if and only if $S_1\cup S_2 = S_1 \cap S_2$.


  1. Show that if $S_1$ and $ S_2$ are finite sets with $\lvert S_1 \rvert = n$ and $\lvert S_2 \rvert = m$, then $\lvert S_1 \cup S_2 \rvert \leq n+m$.


  1. Convert the following NFA to a DFA and informally describe the language it accepts.
  State $0$ $1$
$\rightarrow $ $p$ ${\{p,q}\}$ ${\{p}\}$
  ${q}$ ${\{r,s}\}$ ${\{t}\}$
  ${r}$ ${\{p,r}\}$ ${\{t}\}$
$*$ ${s}$ $\emptyset$ $\emptyset$
$*$ ${t}$ $\emptyset$ $\emptyset$


  1. Give NFA’s to accept the following languages. Try to take advantage of nondeterministic as much as possible.

    a) The set of strings over alphabet ${\{0,1,\ldots,9}\}$ such that the final digit has appeared before.

    b) The set of strings over alphabet ${\{0,1,\ldots,9}\}$ such that the final digit has not appeared before.

    c) The set of $0$’s and $1$’s such that there are two $0$’s separated by a number of positions that is a multiple of 4. Note that $0$ is an allowable multiple of 4.


  1. Here is a transition table for a DFA.
  State $0$ $1$
$\rightarrow $ $q_1$ $q_2$ $q_1$
  $q_2$ $q_3$ $q_1$
$*$ $q_3$ $q_3$ $q_2$

(a) Give all the regular expressions $R_{ij}^{(0)}$.

Note: Think of state $q_i$ as if were the state with integer number $i$.

(b) Give all the regular expressions $R_{ij}^{(1)}$. Try to simplify the expressions as much as possible.

(c) Give all the regular expressions $R_{ij}^{(2)}$. Try to simplify the expressions as much as possible.

(d) Give a regular expression for the language of automaton.

(e) Construct the transition diagram for the DFA and give a regular expression for its language by eliminating state $q_2$.


  1. Convert the following DFA to a regular expression, using the state-elimination technique.
  State $0$ $1$
$\rightarrow *$ $p$ $s$ $p$
  $q$ $p$ $s$
  $r$ $r$ $q$
  $s$ $q$ $r$


  1. Prove that the following are not regular languages.

a) ${\{0^n10^n \mid n \geq 1}\}$.

b) $\{0^n 1^m 2^n \mid$ $n$ and $m$ are arbitary integers $\}$.

c) ${\{0^n1^{2n} \mid n \geq 1}\}$.


  1. Prove that the following are not regular languages.

a) $\{0^n \mid$ $n$ is a perfect square $\}$.

b) $\{0^n \mid$ $n$ is a perfect cube $\}$.

c) $\{0^n \mid$ $n$ is a power of $2$ $\}$.

d) The set of string of $0$’s and $1$’s whose length is a perfect square.


  1. If $L$ is a languages, and $a$ is a symbol, then $L/ a$, the quotient of $L$ and $a$, is the set of strings $w$ such that $wa$ is in $L$. For example, if $L={\{a, aab, baa}\}$, then $L / a = {\{\epsilon, ba}\}$. Prove that of $L$ is regular, so is $L / a$. Hint​ : Start with a DFA for $L$ and consider the set of accepting states.